Monday, December 13, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Random 884

i haven't been on my blog for ages even though no reads it, it is still important to me. i am so board. i am stuck in North carolina with ppl for my church for a church convention. which isn't to bad but still. i would love to be sooking in the pool right now but we are about to go out. it is really hot down here and i miss my best friend. i haven't seen him since the last day of school. and i can't even call him. shockingly there is a small part of me that can't wait until sckool start.

Friday, June 11, 2010

This post is a little different from any other post, this post is a quiz that i thought was interesting, my results area at the bottom of the screen. all you have to do is click Take the quiz! enjoy!!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Secret of John the Sex Addict Joke

Just a little joke to brighten up the day:
When John and Mary first got married John said, “I am a sex addict and I’m putting a box under the bed to help control my addiction. You must promise never to look in it.” In all their 30 years of marriage Mary never looked. However, on the afternoon of their 30th anniversary, curiosity got the best of her and she lifted the lid and peeked inside. In the box were 3 empty beer cans and $81,874.25 in cash. She closed the box and put it back under the bed. Now that she knew what was in the box, she was doubly curious as to why there even was such a box with such contents. That evening they were out for a special Anniversary dinner. After dinner Mary could no longer contain her curiosity and she confessed, saying, “I am so sorry. For all these years I kept my promise and never looked into the box under our bed. However, today the temptation was too much and I gave in. But now I need to know why do you keep the 3 beer cans in the box?” John thought for a while and said, “I guess after all these years you deserve to know the truth. Whenever I was unfaithful to you I put an empty beer can in the box under the bed to remind myself not to do it again.” Mary was shocked, but said, “Hmmm, Jennifer, Paula and Monica. I am very disappointed and saddened by your behavior. However since you are addicted to sex, I guess it does happen and I guess 3 times is not that bad considering your problem.” John thanked her for being so understanding. They hugged and made their peace. A little while later Mary asked John, so why do you have all that money in the box? John answered; “Well, whenever the box filled up with empty cans, I took them to the recycling center and redeemed them for cash”.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


It is finally June!!!! school is almost over yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have this new obsession and it's kind of weird because my obsession is with popcorn. i know awkward but i just can't get over it, it all started when one day i went to the gas station and i brought a bag of popcorn and i figured i wouldn't like it any way but i still brought it. so when i got home i ate some and it was perfect . the best popcorn i had ever eaten. the bag says original but it taste like butter mixed with Cheddar it is so amazing. this is a very different type of obsession, now when ever i go to the gas station i have to have popcorn. i almost yelled at the cashier for not having any more. i think i am turning into the popcorn monster or something. eventually before you know it I'll be going to a doctor about my obsession

Monday, May 24, 2010


I was really, really, extremely angrey 5 mins ago because i just got my SAT scores back and they are really bad. i got an 1120, an 1120 who gets an 1120 i was just so mad. but now i feel a little bit better. i went on one of the girls blogs that i follow and she kind of mentioned my name which was really cool because my name has never really been mentioned any where. her name is katie and her blog is really good. her blog is called life as i know it. and life as she knows it is really interesting. so if any ever just so happen to have came across this blog(which i doubt that will ever happen) look at her blog. it kind of remind me of a soap oprah. (just a little). P.S: i just realize that i used the word really 7 times in one post. i need to really find a new vocabulary word. LOL!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

catch up

wow i have not been on my blog in a really long time. this post is just a quick up date on every thing that has happened. on May 17 i turned 17, last week i found out that i failed the HSPA (only the math part) which means that if i don't pass my second time then i will not be able to graduate senior year. i took my SATs and i still haven't got my scores back. i have an amazing new friend (not really new just got to the friend level) he is perfect. my favorite cousin's birthday is to day (YEAH!!!!! GO TAURUS!!!!!!) is now 18 years old. i am not exaclly sure what i am going to do for the summer yet but that is a quick catch up.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Taking home the BRONZE!!!!!

i know i have not written any thing in a long time but i was just so busy. but i am back with great news. over the weekend i had an Act-so competition and i thought that i wounldn't do good.( i went for dramatics) i was so nervous on saturday when i had to compete, but on sunday when it was time to find out who won which medal, when they called my name to the stage i was so excited. No i didn't when the gold but i did get to take home the bronze and i am really proud of my self and my entire team for winning so many awards. because i didn't win gold i don't get to go to nationals but i still won for state competitions. next year i WILL take home the GOLD!!!!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

so random

every princess desires to find there prince charming weather they have to kiss a few frogs to find him or not. every king has to have his castel just like every actor has to has a script. but i just can't understand what do i have. life is so dull boaring and full of crap. what is she talking about? you may ask, what does she even mean? you may think. what i am talking about is life and feeling like there is something missing. i may not quit know what that is yet but for some reason i feel a sence of emptyness. i just feel like something is missing. like if the princess never had her prince charming she would feel a sence of emptyness. when i first started to feeling ike this i thought that maybe i might just be depressed, but think about it don't sometimes you just walk around and feel lost or like something's missing from your life, or even like your standing still but life is just passing by. i still don't know what IT is but i'll figure it out soon.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


last night i had this weird dream about a boy i know. i don't really like him as a boyfriend type but more like a friend. this dream was so akward. in my dream he kissed me and i felt something that i have never felt before. it was a tingley feeling and i felt butter flys in my stomach as if we were really kissing each other. it was perfect, to bad it wasn't real. LOL!!!!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

standing still

for some reason i feel like i am standing still while life is passing by. i feel so confused and out of it lately. yesterday was one of my best friend's birthday and i completly for got. i have been for getting a lot of things. i just feel so distant from the rest of the world. i have never been this lost. i have SAT coming up i am nervouse about my HSPA scores coming back and i and over flowing with theater homework. why can't life just be much simplier.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My stupid life

I hate my life and my and my stupid teacher. He is such a jurk!!! he is an Ahole. it seems like every time i move two steps forward life pushes me eight million steps back. for some reason (a reason i that i haven't figured out) life just keep pulling me down with all of the bad things that keep happening to me. everything just seems to go wrong and never right. but doesn't my life just sucks..........

Friday, February 19, 2010

!!!!!!!Fashion Time!!!!!!!!

as you know fashion week has just pass and NYC was the place to be. i really love fashion and one of my favorite designers is Christian Siriano. he had amazing designs and here are a few pieces from his collection.........
.................each piece is turely amazing and i hope that you enjoy it to

Thursday, February 18, 2010

my guy problems

i've never been in a relationship but i have this guy that i have actually liked since i was 6 years old but i don't think he like me and i am trying really hard to stop likeing him. so than i found this other guy who i really like and i'm trying to get to know him but i can't stop likeing the first guy(crazy i know) but life just really, really sucks when it comes to relationships. on top of all that i am not even sure wheather this guy even likes me to.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


i never really understood the true beauty of happyness until now. i can't really explain it but i feel amazing today, i feel happy.(usually i feel bumbed outed) but not today, today i am smiling. it's funny the way life plays out and how God often give you unexpected things and when you get it, it changes you. those things can be big or small but you'll always know when it comes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

i feel........

i feel really sad. first my friend hasals me how i don't start conversations(that may sound weird, but i really don't) and she makes me feel like the person that i am is not good enough. i am not out spoken and for some reason i feel distant from every body else. then in theater class today trying on customs did not go so well, because i am not that skinny as most of the girls in theater. and i was insuled today my at least two people. but that is what i go through everyday.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Quotes to live by!!!

i was reading this magazine called "Next step" magazine and they had a few great quotes that i want to share with you, hopefully they might come in handy for you.........
  • Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

- Helen Keller

  • Love what you do. Do what you love.

-Wayne Dyer

  • Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude toward us

-Earl Nightingale

  • The essential question is not, "how busy are you?"but "what are you busy at?"

-Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My sucky day!

today we had mid terms and after three test you can go home. but do i get to go home NO!!!!!!!!! i have to stay in school till 6pm because of reharsal. and on top of that i am really, really hungrey. so im off to get some food. lol!!!!!

I want a labtop

I am trying to convince my grandmother to buy me a labtop. according to her the answer is NO!!!! because i don't always do the dishes. i think this is unfair. i really need and want a labtop. BADLY!!!! what should i do.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Team Jacob

Tyler Lautner stars in the new movie New Moon, the second book to the twilight series. Tyler stars as a sexy werewolf name Jacob who is there to comfort and protect Bella when Edward leaves. Jacob is the most sexiest werewolf in the history of were wolfves and he is even better looking then Edward Collen. So catch new moon in theaters...... well when ever it comes out. and be sure to look out for Tyler. GO TEAM JACOB.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

lonely shadows

i change my blog agian. Now it to so random i change it because i don't have any thing specific to write so i will write about random things and if you can relate to it or you want to leave a comment then feel free to. today i am writing about wanting to shine:
have you ever felt like every one around you was getting every thing they want when it seem like they didn't deserve it, when you on the other hand works your but off to earn things and you never get. well i do and i often say to my self when is it gonna be my turn. i thought about this topic because at school(which is where i am now) i have these group of friends(may be associates)and it feels like every thing i do I'm competing against them because they get more awards and they're more like the cool kids in school(i have no clue how we became friends because i am like a nerdy geek and they are the cool geeks,weird, i know) so when ever we are together and their other friends come along it's like i get push to the side and i become invisible.
to sit and be surrounded by people who work hard and reap the benefits while you only get pushed into the shadows. until there is only so much you can take, when the shadows become cold and lonely. so i found a new set of friends they are the total opposite, they are weird strange more to them selves

Thursday, June 4, 2009

i am so lost

it's been a while since i last written any thing, its just i have been blog srufing because i still am trying to figure out what to write i even change the title to this blog twice alright i want to write about my life but i am only 16 and what have i really experience that people would like to really read (nothing) so if you just so happen to come across this blog please read it and give me an idea. thanks.

Monday, May 18, 2009


yesterday was my birthday i am offcially 16 years old. my birthday was on sunday and i spent my entire day in church(thats a good thing) i didnt get any thing nor did i do any thing else but i can now say i am 16. on next sunday i am going out to diner with my sisters and some family members for my birthday its not much but its better than what i get every year(nothing). if there is any other taurus reading this blog i have two words for you "WE ROCK".

Friday, April 24, 2009

my horrible yesterday

yesterday was my last straw i can't take living with my grandmother any more i hate my family. yesterday my aunt acused me of "getting smart with her " when i didn't and she told my grand mother i didn't get in trouble but every day she finding some new way to agravate me with histercale laughing and her stupid comments about me and my sisters i can't wait untill she goes home or where ever. she is just so stupid i can't take her.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The quote of the day

" When the mouth stumbles it's worst than the foot" -west african proverb I choose this quote because some times people don't think about what they say before they say it, so when your in school or at work just stop and think about what you say and how it would make some one feel.

Monday, April 20, 2009

hello! my name is taira and this is my first time blogging check up on my blog from time to time for new post.